Our work is supported by a wonderful community of funders, who treat us as partners, and most of whom have supported our work since the very beginning of the Alliance for Black Justice for Poland (BJP), when we formed as a coalition in March 2022.

We are proud and honored to be able to work with the following partner-funders:


Our partner-funders invest time and resources into building relationships with our team. We are grateful for the attention and care. We feel listened to and treated on equal terms as partners.

Photo: Humanity Now representatives meeting with BJP team members in March 2024 to discuss a third round of funding. We have had the pleasure of meeting with Humanity Now representatives since the beginning of our work in 2022.

UUSC representatives with BJP team members, August 2023.

The United Universalist Service Committe (UUSC) has generously supported us with funding that enabled us to develop and continue our activities across three areas of our work: direct support to Black, African and Afro-descendant communities in Poland, community-building through events, as well as awareness-raising and educational activities. Support from the UUSC has also allowed us to strengthen ourselves as a coalition of organizations through regular meetings and internal skill-building workshops and trainings.